N Ezgi Wood, Piya Kositangool, Hanaa Hariri, Ashley Marchand, Mike Henne (2020). Nutrient signaling, stress response, and interorganelle communication are non-canonical determinants of cell fate. Cell Reports. Vol 33, Issue 9.
Sanchari Datta, Jade Bowerman, Hanaa Hariri, Rupali Ugrankar, KaitlynM. Eckert, Chase Corley, Gonçalo Vale, Jeffrey G. McDonald, Mike Henne (2020). Snx14 proximity labeling reveals a role in saturated fatty acid metabolism and ER homeostasis defective in SCAR20 disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (52) 33282-33294.
Mike Henne, Joel Goodman, Hanaa Hariri* (2020). Spatial compartmentalization of lipid droplet biogenesis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta Mol. Cell Biol. Lipids 1865, 158499. *Corresponding author.